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My Country & Heritage


Echoes from the past so beguiling and bewitching
So it was and shall be !!!
Slovenia my home ~ Slovenija moja domovina
"This I say to you"
"Though I live a thousand years
I shall never forget my heritage
So precious and so very rare



Zivé naj vsi naródi,
ki hrepené docakat' dan,
da, koder sonce hodi,
prepir iz svéta bo pregnan;
da rojak
prost bo vsak,
ne vrag, le sosed bo mejak!

God's blessing on all nations,
Who long and work for that bright day,
When o'er earth's habitation
No war, no strife shall hold its sway;
Who long to see
That all man free
No more shall foes, but neighbors be.
Franc Preseren


The above is Slovenia
with various scenery


Are there elsewhere mountains like ours,
hills and lakes, to divert the eye and heart,
is there anywhere so much natural and disparate beauty
on such a small piece of land as this Slovene land.
Is there anywhere else in the world such generousity
of nature to be seen as in Slovenia my homeland


oh friend of mine
across the sea lies my homeland
memories like waves over the sea glide
then, in all its splendor I see
the mountains, lakes, the waterfalls
my eyes glimpsing a glorious sight

I feel the fresh breezes
as I travel across golden fields
now traveling upon well known paths
to the home where my cradle used to be
oh home of mine I have traveled far
to see you once again but you,
you remain silent, you know me not
yet, yet, I can't forget
once you were my home

the trees softly whisper
harken  now, hear what I have to say
your home shall always remain your home
in your dreams in the land so far away
wistfully I softly whispered
goodbye my home goodbye

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