Slovenian Folklore


This is my ancestry of which I am very proud


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Dancing- How wonderful!

Folkloric Dancing is much more than a dance. It can be a way of life, or a way of socializing, it can also be an obsession, or a way of artistic expression, the choice is up to the dancer.

Slovenian Folklore dances are the Slovenian dance traditions with various attempts made by folkloric groups to revive and preserve them.
In spite of all efforts to preserve the dances in their original concept, they do however alter for the dance style is often dependant on the temperament and dispositions of the dancers.

Folkloric Dancing has, since time immemorial, been a peoples' way of expressing their pride in their country. As such all dancers tested their prowess and dancing skills, giving it their all.

A wealth of information dealing with folkloric dancing was scientifically researched by Franc Marolt, aided by his wife, Toncka Marolt. She later continued his work after his untimely death.
Marija Sustar joined Tonca Marolt, and together they compiled dances from all regions, thus our precious heritage was ensured.

The Franc Marolt Dance Academy of Ljubljana was formed to aid people such as I, who wished to continue the Folkloric traditions, albeit in another country far from the echoes of the music so dearly loved.

Some Slovenian dances and customs have survived; in other places they have died out long ago. Australian-Slovenians have ensured that the culture and traditions they have so tenaciously guarded and transplanted do not die from lack of knowledge on the part of the new generations.

!!Our cultural heritage is one we can all be proud of !!

"Lead me to the dance floor "
"Plesat me pelji"



Characteristics of the Upper Carniola - Gorenska region are skillful, yet humorous. They are emphasised by the consistant floor tapping or kicking and very swift turns.

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The dances of Bela Krajina are distinguished by the expressive lyrical motions which,  in their original form,  represents the beauty of a very ancient era.
The Slovene popular dance, "Pobelelo Pole," is the most interesting one as it has been influenced by the newly settled Uskoks.
"Na trumf" is a round dance, which is given rhytm and dynamics by the stamping of feet. These also include "crnomaljsko Kolo" and "ja sem sirota."
The dance "Hruske jabuke" together with "Lepa Anka" are still danced in Preloka and Adlesici,  Metlika,  Slovenia  today, and the traditional dances are still being performed abroad



Songs are more significant than the dances for this part of Slovenia. Similar dances are danced in other regions, only the names differ.
The waggish motions of the amorous young man's wooing, whilst the girls shun a kiss; yet others belong to the laborious dances, called guild dances, such as "Tkalecka," switching a handkerchief under knees which represents the switching of the weaver's shuttle. "Sostarska" shows us the sewing with twine.
Another is a very fast polka called "Tocak."


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Dances from Styria are very high spirited and festive as they show the nature of people who live there.
Dancing takes place only after the work is done. Neighbours join in to peel the corn; anything to take part in the festivities.
The boys show their prowess by switching hats, a dance that looks simple yet takes skill and the girls sing.
One of the dances is called "powsterdanc," interesting to say the least.
Other dances are "cvastrit," "maserjanka," "metlar" and "zibensrit."
In the Styria region, "powsterdanc," "the pillow dance," is danced. Each chooses his/her partner and enters the sacred circle where the pillow is placed on the floor and they kiss... much to the amusement of everyone else, they rise then polka till the music stops. One remains and chooses another partner, whilst the other re-enters the circle, hoping to be chosen yet again!


stu Ludi


Dances from the Primorska region are influenced by Italy, but the dances retained some of the original style, therefore are gentle, yet soleman and bourgeois.
My favorites being "dopasi," "mafrina" and "cotic.



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Veseli Cankari - Geelong

These dances are very expressive in style, whilst some are gentle, others are very high-spirited.
Some of the most festive ones are "ajnspolka," "Marjanca," "Oberstajeris" and "Poksotis.

Having taught these dances for 16 years, which my students idolized, I can only thank the one who aided me, Ms ljuba Vrtovec  of the Franc  Marolt Dance Acadamy, Ljubljana, Slovenia,.

Slovenia is, and shall remain, a cultural mosaic to be proud of.

Kaj se bova zavrtela??
Shall we dance????

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