The Slovenian classical writer "Ivan Cankar"
once wrote a legend about Slovenians and their beautiful country.
"When God was sharing out his gifts among the
Nations, he forgot about the Slovenians. It was when he had finished that He noticed the unhappy creatures weeping in a corner .
His heartstrings were touched and discovering a tucked away sack of many splendid beauty, with a divine
gesture He strewed its contents richly over this forgotten little nook, and what came into being was a
miniature exhibition of beauty".
A land well endowed and blessed.
Nowhere else on
earth are a nation's writers so honored as in Slovenia, you shall not find a statue of a war hero,
but you
shall see statues of writers, an honor bestowed on those who brought the nation out of the darkness into an
era of enlightenment.
Pokrajina |
Slap Savica |
Slovenske Konjice |
Slovenske Konjice |
Ljubljanski park |
- Look through
get to know the ways of our forefathers,
for only if we know the ways of our
can we lead a fruitful life!!
- If you could see your ancestors
- all standing in a row
- would you be really proud of them
- or don't you really know?
Now here's a difficult question
requiring a different view
if your ancestors could see you now
would They be proud of you?