Slovenian Scenery
My Country & Heritage
Beautiful Slovenia
- Wherefore traveler are thee from?
Odkod si potnik ti doma?
Iz daljnega sem kraja
kjer tekle mi je zibelka
veselje nidar kraja
Wherefore traveler art thee from?
Oh from afar and a distant place
where once upon
a time my cradle rocked
with happiness unending
- Domacija
- Pohorje
- Celski Grad
Skormarje |
Zrece |
Monastery |
- River Kolpa
- Metlika
- Cathedraldome
- Cerkva
- Bohinj
- Bela Krajina
- Slovenske Konjice
- Slovenske Konjice
- Franciscana
- What glorious, spectacular views and most of all
the age old customs that every Slovenian no matter where they reside remember and
value their precious heritage which in turn is taught to their children, so that the linguistic
skills, folkloric dancing and culture is kept alive, for many born overseas shall never tread
Slovenian soil.
- Our hope is in future generations that
they may retain the old ways, and someday visit the land of our fore bearers.
- Thank you for visiting Slovenia with me.
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K.Dufresne &
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