
Guest Book




Congratulations from all the staff at Art Space

You have won the "World Web Award of Excellence"
originality,overall design and appearance, ease of navigation, and content.
Keep up the good work.

Many thanks for this wonderful



Come join our travels

The Legends, Chiefs and Prayers make for engrossing reading .
These pages have been dedicated to the indigenous people of America, who, with their great strength and courage have retained their culture even to this day and age, and have done so with pride. 

It bears testimony to their dedication and beliefs, therefore, it would be a tragedy should the culture they so tenaciously guarded fade through lack of interest and knowledge on the part of new generations;
generations who shall never know what it is like to walk with the wind!!! 

Walk through these pages, always keeping in mind they are steeped in a culture; pure in its teachings, and alien to most.
The data will prove to be fascinating reading, at the very least! Community attitudes towards the Native Peoples of the U.S.A. changed gradually through

Enforced Interaction:
Inter Marriage:

Appreciation of the fact that, irrespective of one's background, people, with all their complexities, have more things in common than in conflict.

To some, the achievements of the Native Americans may seem trivial, but, in actual fact, they ensured and proved they could live in dignity and harmony with others, even though they had lost their lands:

The land that everyone needs to call home, for without them, they are devoid of any identity!!
What a feat for the Indigenous Peoples of the U.S.A or more precisely, humanity itself.! 

A wonderful Legacy to bestow on future generations, both indigenous and foreign

Welcome Stranger

Come sit beside the campfire for there is much to learn.
 The words will be spoken from the heart,
 so that you will know that 
there is truth and honor in them.!! 

This I say to you:

Though I should live a thousand years 
I shall never forget my heritage. 


Our Legacy is a cultural mosaic. Learning about our past cultural values and traditions makes us ever so aware of our fragile, yet so very precious heritage.

Tribal customs have differed from tribe to tribe, thus making the American Midwest unique; the ancestral soil so very endearing to us all. 

Many places and objects are alive with ancestral and other spirits, thus infused with special traditional, sacred and ceremonial meanings. 

Primarily, "Eagles Aerie" will be a most informative and enlightening experience! 
At Least I hope so!

You have been a most welcome guest 
Come back often!

Designated, "Ma`ome He`e," a Cheyenne name, 
is truly an honor.
¡ Many thanks - WarEagle - Néá'e§e !!
Ma`ome He`e,  Icemaid
©Eagles Aerie
Mentor -Editor : Wareagle
Original artwork remains the copyrighted property of
their respective artist.
Many thanks to David Penfound
For permission to use your wonderful graphics

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