This Indian Child,
Will stand before his people,
With honor
And respect,
In a most
Sacred Way.
This Indian Child,
Will be strong,
With wisdom, knowledge
And understanding,
That will come from
The heart, soul
And mind
In a most
Sacred Way.
This Indian Child,
Will come before
A humble Nation of people
And like his brother
The Eagle,
And like the Sacred Buffalo
This Indian Child
Will be their strength
In a most
Sacred Way.
This Indian Child
You gave to us
In a Sacred Way,
And with his eyes,
Will see all that is good
And with his ears,
Will hear all that is good
And the words
That he will speak,
Will be strong and powerful
In a most Sacred Way.
This Indian Child,
Will use,
His Eagle Feathers,
His Sacred Pipe,
His drum,
His Cedar,
His Sage,
His Sweet grass,
Within the Sun Dance,
Within the Sweat Lodge,
Within all of his Traditional Ceremonies
In a most Sacred Way.
This Indian Child,
Will be strong within,
His Tradition,
His Culture,
His Religion,
In a most Sacred Way.
Thank you for each breath of life,
That you have given to our young.
For tomorrow,
Another Indian Child
Will come before us And he too
Will have been born
The Indian Way.
©Larry Kibby
©Webset Design: Eagles Aerie
-Editor : Wareagle
- Original artwork remains the
copyrighted property of
their respective artists.
- Many thanks to
Teri Sodd
For permission to use your wonderful graphics