People of Slovenia
National Costume - although each region has its own,
- The above is the best known
Population 1996: 2,000,000
Population Density: 251 persons/sq mi
Urban Population: 978,000
Urban Percentage: 48.9 % of total population
Population Growth (1996 est.): 5,200
Population Growth Rate (1993 est.): 0.3 % annually
Population Doubling Time: 266.60 years
Births (1996 est.): 25,000 annually
Birth Rate: 12.50 births per 1,000 population.
Fertility Rate: 1.71 children per woman.
Deaths (1996 est.): 19,800
Death Rate: 9.90 per 1,000 population.
Population Under Age 15, Percent: 20.6 %
Population Over Age 65, Total: 216,000
Life Expectancy: 72.9 years
Life Expectancy, Female: 76.7 years
Life Expectancy, Male: 68.8 years
Religious Affiliations: Roman Catholic 94%, Orthodox Catholic 2%, Muslim 1%, other 3%
Major Languages spoken: Slovenian 91%, Serbo-Croatian 7%, English 29% , German 11%, Italian 9%, other
Ethnic Divisions: Slovene 91%, Croat 3%, Serb 2%, Muslim 1%, other 3%
The above were excerpts of statistics from the World Atlas.
Needless to say Slovenians are and have proved themselves a worthy
Nation thereby earning their right to
be free.
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