Do not take for granted
the things closest to your heart
Cling to them as you would your life
for without them
life is meaningless!
Do not let your life
slip through your fingers
by living in the past
nor for the future.
By living your life one day at a time,
you live all the days of your life
Do not give up
when you still have something to give.
Nothing is really over
until the moment you stop trying
It is a fragile thread
that binds us to each other
Do not be afraid to encounter risks.
It is by taking chances
that we learn how to be brave
Do not shut love out of your life
by saying it is impossible to find
The quickest way to receive love
is to give love
Do not run through life
so fast that you forget
not only where you have been
but also where you are going
Life is not a race
but a journey
to be savoured
each step of the way.
~Author Unknown~
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