Slovenian Custom

The day usually starts with Mass, and the officiating Priest is then invited to join in the festivities at the club premises. The choir sings at the club and the children accompany them, all in all one of the most beautiful customs, still practiced today.

St.Nicholas, appears each year on the 6th December, dressed in long white flowing robes, wearing a Bishop's mitre, white gloves, as well as having a white staff decorated with silver, gold, and ribbons as well as flowers.

He carries with him a big white book, and is accompanied by angels who assist him in the giving of gifts and little devils who carry chains to frighten the children whose names were not in the book.

St Nicholas reads out the names all the well behaved children, as their names are called St. Nick praises them for being good, the angels pass the gift to St.Nicholas, who in turn presents the gift to the child.

The children who did not behave themselves throughout the year, are told to be better and kinder to their parents in the coming year, while St.Nicholas lectures them, the little devils are jumping up and down and rattling their chains trying to frighten them, in the end the child makes a promise to behave in the New
Year, they then too get a small gift of sweets.

The day is centered on family activities.

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Ta navada je ze dolgo razsirjena v vecjem delu Slovenije. V zvezi s svetim Miklavzem (ali Nikolajem) je ohranjenih vec legend.

Ena izmed njih je gotovo se posebej vsec dekletom, ki pac vedno rada sanjarijo o poroki. To so pocele tudi tri ubozne mladenke. Porocile bi se, a jim revni oce tega ni mogel uresniciti.

Ko so bile zalostne, jim je Miklavz ponoci prinesel tri zlata jabolka. Tako so dobile lepo doto in postale presrecne neveste. Miklavz je znan tudi kot dobrotnik in zavetnik solarjev. Neke noci je rezil ucence, ki jih je hotel ubiti gostilnicar, pri katerem so prenocevali.

Miklavz je bil skof, zato se pojavi v skofovski opravi, z dolgo sivo brado. Spremljajo ga angeli in parkeljni z rosljajocimi verigami. Teh so se otroci od nekdaj bali.

Tako kot drugod po Sloveniji, je ta obicaj prav posebno priljubljen. Ohranjamo ga ze dolga leta. V opremo in priprave je bilo vlozenega veliko truda, casa in denarja, a ko pride 6. decembra nam je ves trud bogato poplacan.

Writing all the children's names
the good, and the not so good!!!
In the midst of all that follows- family and very close
friends gather and celebrate - especially on Christmas Eve,
as well as on the day of the Feast of the Three Kings when the
tree gets taken down, with as much care as there was putting it up:

A wonderful time -for Families


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